1. Responsible spending, Financial responsibility and strict oversight controls.
2. Decisions based on “Common Sense” to bring back, enhance existing, and encourage new business, trade, agriculture, and commerce.
3. Public Safety. Preparedness, training, equipment, personnel, communication, and support.
4. Public health and mental health care services provided as well as training for staff.
5. Taxpayer/citizen must be given back the role as the Constitutional authority.
Welcome to my campaign site. Here you can find important information about my campaign for McLean County Board, volunteer to help me in my efforts to get elected, contribute financially, and most importantly contact me about questions and concerns.
I became a candidate for the same fundamental reason that I volunteered to join the Army, Service. In this instance, service to community. Because, my children, my friends' children, my neighbors' children, as well as the entire community deserve a better future. I was raised with a strong sense of morals and values. The Army reinforced in me the values of Integrity, Honor, Commitment and Responsibility. Every day, I try to live up to the highest standard I can and teach my children the same.
I am humbled to announce that my campaign is endorsed by the McLean County Sheriff Deputies and Fraternal Order of Police. Every single day the men and women of law enforcement are working tirelessly ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods and communities , saving lives, protecting families, enforcing law and order all while risking their own safety and lives.